Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Need for Online Complaint Box in Each Website

Hello Friends

Today, I want to make focus on the complaint section of Government of India. There is a process of evaluating/reading complaint in each department but there is no surity to fulfill the complaints on time. Everyone face a lot of trouble in their daily life like water problem, electricity problem, roadways problem and many more but we are unable to complain for the difficulty. This is because we have no time to go to the particular department or we are thinking that why should we go there if anybody's not or we didn't have the right and easy  way to complain for a particular department.
So, the government has to make a complaint department where each person can easily send their complain and government has to give the surity to all that the problem will be solved within a required period of time.We are now in the 21st century and we are using the computers all around now a days but we have not overcome the basic need of ours and not overcome to daily problems. The solution for this is to make a complaint department and provide a complaint box online in each website of the government. 
I also want this type of facility from all the organizations of  India who is having the websites that you please make a complaint section where the customer and the citizen of India can directly send the complain via electronic medium.

Rishi Kansal    

1 comment:

  1. this is a superb idea
    and i also implement this website for all feild
    and general perpose also


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