Thursday, April 22, 2010

Effects of Global Warming

Polar ice caps melting:

First, it will raise sea levels. There are 5,773,000 cubic miles of water in ice caps, glaciers, and permanent snow. According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, if all glaciers melted today the seas would rise about 230 feet.

Second, melting ice caps will throw the global ecosystem out of balance. The ice caps are fresh water, and when they melt they will desalinate the ocean, or in plain English - make it less salty.

Third, temperature rises and changing landscapes in the artic circle will endanger several species of animals. Only the most adaptable will survive.

Warmer waters and more hurricanes

As the temperature of oceans rises, so will the probability of more frequent and stronger hurricanes. We saw in this in 2004 and 2005(Tsunami etc.).

Spread of disease

As northern countries warm, disease carrying insects migrate north, bringing plague and disease with them.

Unstable Agriculture and Economy

The price you pay for food is getting higher already as a result of global warming effects on agriculture. What's worse is that this is leaving many of the world's hungry in a desperate situation, unable to afford adequate food. In the future, it could make it so hard for humans to grow enough food.

We depend on a predictable climate to keep our agricultural markets and our economy as a whole stable. Climate change makes our markets unstable, less efficient, and thus more expensive. Prices are increasing for a number of reasons, a few of which are not related to global warming, but global warming induced heat waves have already been shown to reduce grain harvests in India, Canada, and the U.S. significantly.

Drought conditions have doubled since 1970. Many plants become less productive or will not pollinate when it gets too hot. For all of these reasons, we should be concerned about the impacts of climate change on agriculture and food scarcity.

Effects on Animals

The danger to animals is severe as well. As sea levels rise and lowland coastal areas are flooded, many animal species will be harmed. Coastal areas serve as natural hatcheries for fish and are home to a greater diversity of land and sea creatures than any other ecosystem. The flooding of coastal estuaries by rising sea levels would have dramatic effects on animals across the world.

The Full Effects on Humans

If the current trend continues and warming at the poles triggers a positive feedback loop whereby more carbon and methane are released into the atmosphere, then the 20-foot sea level rise could come much sooner than was previously predicted. Such a change would inundate many of the world's largest cities and much of the world's most productive farmland.

Earth could be drastically altered. The Earth might even come to resemble the steamy planet that was ruled by the dinosaurs! The harm to human populations and civilization would be incalculable.

Good Bye

Take Care

Rajesh Kansal

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